The importance of website security is not known to everyone
Wed Oct 05 2022
When a website gets hacked, it harms users and businesses. Here are potential consequences of inadequate security.
The Internet is an important part of modern life. Thanks to the Internet, thousands of products are sold every day and bring businesses millions of dollars. It allows you to expand without limits on where you sell and who you reach. Besides the benefits and risks of security on the Internet, especially website security, many businesses are interested in.
Currently, attacks on websites often take place. The most common is that the website reports a 5xx error or the user cannot access the website due to denial of service attacks (DDoS attacks). In some more serious cases, millions of users' passwords, email addresses and credit card information were stolen.
What is website security?
Website security is an extremely important task, ensuring the safety of the website during operation and use. Administrators should regularly check and build a solid security system to avoid risks and damage when hackers attack. To own a website that runs smoothly and well, make sure you have and are securing your website in the best way.
What are the most common vulnerabilities and threats to websites?
SQL Injection
It is done by targeting vulnerabilities to introduce malicious code into the website. SQL injection can even help attackers perform actions such as delete, insert, update, modify or add malicious information to the database.
Multi-site scripting (XSS)
XSS is a security bug that allows an Attacker/Hacker to insert malicious scripts into the source code of a web application. The danger behind XSS is that it allows an attacker to inject malicious content into a website and modify the way that content is displayed, or possibly change or steal information on the site.
DDoS Attack
DDoS (Distributed Denial of Service) attack is a form of attack to slow down or bring down a website by flooding the network, server or application with huge fake request traffic. Thus, when the website is attacked with In this form, customers will not be able to access the website, resulting in them not being able to interact, purchase or find any information.
Besides causing negative effects to the website, it also leaves heavy consequences for businesses in terms of revenue, profit and reputation. Therefore, this is a topic of interest to many users and businesses.
Why is website security important?
When a website is hacked, it causes a lot of damage to both users and businesses. Below we will list a few possible consequences if your website is not properly secured:
- Stealing business strategy, internal information of the company.
- Affect search rankings on google search.
- Website does not work, reports 5xx errors or is rated badly by google for security issues, web browsers will warn customers that your website is not safe, and encourage them to leave. This will lose customer trust.
- Revealing customers' personal information such as: name/email/credit card account number. This can expose your business to lawsuits, fines, and damage your company's reputation.
- Recovering a hacked website is not impossible, but it will cost quite a bit depending on the extent of the damage.
- Currently, many companies design websites for their customers, but the security of the website is very poor or even they do not have in-depth knowledge of security. Leading to many websites being hacked, security error warnings, malware, ... affecting or disrupting the access process of both users and website owners. Even lose site admin rights. And that is something that you must pay attention to when choosing a web design unit for yourself. Reputation is very important in business. If you are trusted, you will gain customer loyalty for your product.
And how to keep your website safe and secure, let's find out in the next section!
How to protect your website?
How to protect your website? To prevent forms of attacks on the website, many businesses have implemented manual measures such as:
- The administrators raise the security consciousness for the site.
- Configure security for the website, check the website source code periodically.
- Minimize the installation of strange plugins (for wordpress).
- Regular backups. Backup data weekly or monthly. However, those are just additional methods that come with it.
As a business owner, website security should be a priority. But you don't have time to learn technical features and learn to code your own website.
Instead, you just need to make sure that your website is being monitored and maintained regularly, which will ensure the data stored on it is safe and secure.
That's why a service like VNIS is so valuable to your business. With the most outstanding DDoS prevention capabilities on the market today such as: integrating and managing Multi CDN in a common platform, helping businesses overcome almost all security and transmission problems, helping to improve High performance website. Now you can rest assured and confidently continue your business.
In addition, the firewall system (WAF) of VNIS also has the most outstanding advantage that is Cloud WAF infrastructure built in Vietnam, you will be supported 24/7. Moreover, the system does not depend on hardware devices but is developed on a secure cloud platform, so you can easily extend to the system you have integrated.
In addition to deploying WAF system for website security, webmasters also regularly maintenance, patching and strict security monitoring of layers 3, 4 and 7 for the application on the user's website.
VNIS is a smart choice in the needs of website, application and API security, quality assurance products and brand reputation globally. We always have an experienced technical team dedicated to customer support, ensuring the best experience for customers.
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