Top 4 methods of preventing web DDoS for businesses

Wed Oct 05 2022
Top 4 methods of preventing web DDoS for businesses

A DDoS attack can render a website unreachable, resulting in poor user experiences and potential damage to a business's brand reputation.

You've probably heard a lot about DDoS or denial of service attacks and may have been a victim of this type of attack. So what is DDoS, what are the signs to recognize DoS, DDoS and their harm? Let's find out with VNIS in the article below.

What is DDoS?

We partly understand DDoS attack is to make users unable to access the website during the attack period, but to understand more accurately, "DDos" is a form of direct attack on the website of the user. an organization or individual, making users unable to access the web.

DDoS attacks are only temporary, because when it is over, the website will return to its normal state. Although the motive for conducting an attack can vary, in general this is an intentional sabotage by a person or organization, to disrupt, or make the website system load slower. normal.

Until now in the world there is almost no method to prevent DDoS thoroughly, but you can still use a firewall (Firewall) of a reliable provider to prevent & minimize harm. its.

Types of web DDoS attacks

DDoS attacks are becoming more and more common and are a nightmare for organizations and businesses. DDoS attacks are often carried out by an organized group of hackers for cyber terrorism, for the purpose of making money or simply as a joke.

Volume-based attacks: Attacks that use high traffic to clog network bandwidth Protocol attacks: Attacks that focus on exploiting server resources. Application attacks: Attacks that target web applications and are considered the most sophisticated and severe type of attack.

Top 4 methods to prevent web DDoS

1. Built-in CDN block IP by zone and hide origin server IP

CDN (Content Delivery Network) is known as the most effective website acceleration technology today. CDN is also used more in website security applications such as: support to hide origin server IP, block IP request by country area. Thanks to the feature of hiding real IP, it will contribute to the security of your IP address so that attackers cannot find your web server IP.

Almost all CDNs are built using a distributed architecture, so CDNs are capable of mitigating all DDoS attacks with fairly efficient throughput. However, you have to pay for the portion of the bandwidth traffic caused by the DDoS attack.

In general, the main function of a CDN is still to speed up the website, reduce the load on website traffic during peak hours (it is similar to a DDoS attack by traffic). CDNs cannot prevent real DDoS attacks, attacks on web vulnerabilities, so you must consider effective website security solutions with dedicated Cloud WAF firewalls.

2. Use a hard firewall

The highlight of a hard firewall is a separate device that runs on a vendor's own operating system. Therefore, it helps to protect your system against external attacks. This method still has a limitation in terms of cost and flexibility to expand infrastructure. Because to deal with the biggest DDoS attacks, which happen suddenly, you cannot expect the time to upgrade and expand the hardware infrastructure (limited ability to scale up/scale down and waste of hardware resources). hard if not used often)

3. Using Firewall IPtables

Iptables is a very small and handy Console-based Firewall. It can provide the following features: Good integration with Linux kernel; Efficient package analysis; Packet filtering based on MAC and some flags in TCP Header; Provides detailed options for system event logging; Provide NAT technology. In addition, the IPtables Firewall is also capable of preventing some DDoS attack mechanisms.

4. Using Cloud WAF and Multi CDN

Cloud WAF: For Cloud WAF, users can deploy quickly and simply, and this method is more cost-effective than using a hard firewall. Usually, Cloud WAF systems also allow you to update the status of users accessing the Website continuously (Web monitor), to ensure that the website is always safe from all threats.

Multi CDN: As mentioned above, CDN contributes to reducing the traffic load due to effective DDoS attacks, integrating multiple CDNs (Multi CDN) will contribute to keeping your website uptime all the time.

Multi CDN helps ensure that web traffic flows easily and loads as quickly as possible. Using multiple CDNs also helps businesses have CDN backup plans in the event of a problem.

VNIS integrates Multi CDN and Cloud WAF in effective website security

VNIS is the provider of the most prominent DDoS prevention methods on the market today such as: integrating and managing Multi CDN in a common platform, helping businesses overcome almost all security and privacy issues. transmission, helping to improve website performance, ensuring transparency and flexibility, as well as helping businesses come up with backup methods for any arising cases.

In addition, VNIS's firewall system (WAF) has the biggest outstanding feature that is Cloud WAF infrastructure built in Vietnam, you will be supported 24/7. Moreover, the system does not depend on hardware devices but is developed on a secure cloud platform, so you can easily extend to the system you have integrated.

It works based on AI technology and intelligent machine learning, which automatically controls suspicious traffic, the machine learning system will automatically record bad traffic into the black list and block them immediately. After that, the WAF system does not need to encounter and analyze them again.

In addition to implementing the WAF system to secure the website, webmasters regularly maintain, patch and monitor the strict security of layers 3, 4 and 7 for applications on users' websites.

VNIS is a smart choice of solution against attacks on website security holes, ensuring product quality and brand reputation globally.

In addition, VNIS's firewall system (WAF) has the biggest outstanding feature that is Cloud WAF infrastructure built in Vietnam, you will be supported 24/7. Moreover, the system does not depend on hardware devices but is developed on a secure cloud platform, so you can easily extend to the system you have integrated.

If you are facing problems related to website security, let VNIS assist you.

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