Get a free SSL to keep your website secure

Create a free SSL certificate or upload your own to secure your website.

How is VNIS SSL different?

Although an SSL certificate isn't required, it is used by millions of websites to safeguard their users' data. VNIS provides free SSL for all of the platform's websites, ensuring that they are secure. Even if numerous CDNs are setup, generating SSL for all of them takes only a few clicks.

One-click encrypt

When you add a domain to VNIS platform, you may generate and install SSL for free.

Encrypt everything

With a few clicks, the produced SSL will be applied to Multi CDN.


The system will renew the SSL before it expires without any manual setting.

Free SSL

Better, safer on the Internet without any fee

SSL investment costs are not low, this may be a big barrier for some SMEs. The platform provide free SSL encryption for websites.

Better, safer on the Internet without any fee

Custom SSL

Upload your SSL certificate to VNIS platform if you already have one

You can upload and utilize your own SSL certificate if you want. VNIS platform not only makes it easy to get your free SSL but also lets you maintain your current certificate easily.

Upload your SSL certificate to VNIS platform if you already have one
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